On stage in Copenhagen, Heiko Stuber of SIX shared details on the impressive amounts of data points that organisations need to be on top of, as CSDR approaches its go-live of settlement fail penalties and mandatory buy-ins.

A “compliant price” is simply not good enough when a closing price from a trading venue is required.

Getting one’s head around the delicate details of data needed for compliance with Europe’s Central Securities Depositories Regulation.

Posttrade360 event 2025

The Copenhagen event is the first PostTrade 360° conference that takes place physically after the digital-only Covid-19 era. Heiko Stuber, taking part on the scene, is Senior Product Manager, Tax, Regulation & Funds, Financial Information, of SIX.

• News around the PostTrade 360° Copenhagen event is gathered here
• The 36-page pdf magazine, which includes the agenda, can be downloaded by clicking here.
• For a 4-page breakout of the agenda section, click here.
• By the way … are we connected on LinkedIn already, among the 1,800 post-trade pros who are? Follow us here.