VIDEO | Predicting that old financial-services operations and new technologies will be able to enrich each other, rather than having one replace the other, discussion moderator Olaf Ransome kicked off a pioneering 75-minute DLT-centered block of sessions at the PostTrade 360° Copenhagen conference on Tuesday.
Distributed ledger technology (often blockchain) has not only generated crypto as a new asset class to stuff in our safes. It could also bring improvements in several of the areas that we focus on as financial services professionals.
In Copenhagen, Olaf Ransome gave a 15-minute introduction to the new dedicated “Block Block”, which then would go on to present the effect on four separate subprocesses: issuance, trading, custody/settlement, and payments.
Olaf Ransome lists four mechanisms by which firms could benefit:
– the processes (where it has been proposed that 8 billion dollars per year could be saved industry-wide),
– the balance sheets (where Basel IV is currently one of the restrictions tying up assets),
– settlement counterparty and credit risk, and
– liquidity and cash management.
With decades of senior operational experience from large banks, Olaf Ransome is founder of 3C Advisory LLC.
In the player below, watch the full 75-minute block of DLT-related sessions in one playlist. These are the sessions, each covering a part of the securities lifecycle:
• Introduction – Olaf Ransome, 3C Advisory [This article]
• Issuance – Naveed Nasar, Agora DCM [Article]
• Trading – Usman Ahmad, Zodia Markets [Article]
• Settlement and custody – Amar Amlani, Goldman Sachs [Article]
• The means of payment – Jonas Gross, Etonec / The Digital Euro Association [Article]
• News around PostTrade 360° Copenhagen 2022, on 20–21 September, is gathered here.
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
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