Being too detailed and prejudiced in your expectations is one of the most common mistakes organizations make when they go for data-related changes. Understanding your own business and what’s lacking in it will most probably be more important. On stage in Helsinki, BNY Mellon’s Duncan Cooper shared his take on how post-trade organizations ought to relate to technology’s promises and traps.

The session was sponsored by BNY Mellon.

Of 60-or-so poll respondents in the audience, only about a third answered “yes” to the opening question about whether they consider themselves to have a clear data strategy in place.


Duncan Cooper is Head of OMNI Digital Services, EMEA and APAC. He spoke Wednesday morning at the PostTrade 360° Helsinki conference, interviewed by Paula Avraamides, Client Executive, Nordics. The session was labelled “Getting on top of the data: the setup, the challenge, the vision.”

• News around PostTrade 360° Helsinki 2022, on 30 November and 1 December, is gathered here.
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
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