We have now released tickets for this year’s PostTrade 360° Copenhagen – our first physical get-together since a year and a half. It is your choice whether to be with us physically at Axelborg or digitally from your desk.

Yes, the official covid-19 restrictions on the date will apply, but still … PostTrade 360° Copenhagen, on 29–30 September, is letting us all meet again!

Delegate tickets to attend Axelborg on site (available by clicking here), cost €495. Yet, if you prefer to join the conference via your web browser, from anywhere in the world, you are welcome to do so on our web conference platform – free of charge! For this, you find your free ticket here.

Posttrade360 event 2025

Your agenda will emerge

As always with our events, you can expect a broad range of current post-trade topics to be covered during the Wednesday–Thursday conference. As the future of the CSDR settlement discipline regime is in the air, don’t be surprised if we look closely at it. Corporate action standards under SCoRE (the Single Collateral Management Rulebook for Europe) and the Danish central bank migration of DKK to Target2 are also areas to watch. The second day, especially, will be zooming in on the particularly Danish aspects. The sessions have not yet been released but in the nearest weeks you can expect the agenda to begin taking shape on our conference information page.

At Axelborg (across Vesterbrogade from Tivoli), we will be seated around roundtables in the large main hall, keeping distances according to public guidelines and our venue host Tivoli Gardens’ procedures.

In the meantime …

For session videos from our recent conferences across other countries, click here.
News relating to PostTrade 360° Copenhagen across the years, including many full-session videos last year, is gathered here.