A road map report by Riksbanken last winter was a good start – but now Euroclear Sweden is asking for your help to outline the nation’s more precise path to post-trade and securities industry success. Consultant Oliver Wyman is tasked with interviewing market stakeholders about the scenarios.

To stay attractive and efficient, Sweden’s financial market must see its post-trade processes close their gap against the standard in the Eurozone. This was a conclusion of a joint Coordination Forum last year, guided by the central bank, Riksbanken. (That forum’s 34-page report from January can be downloaded here.)

Even so, it is not yet clarified precisely what should be done – at least not according to national CSD Euroclear Sweden, who is now launching an ambitious market-participant survey to get closer to action. “The options available and their consequences for the Swedish market require more analysis and joint discussions,” Euroclear Sweden writes in a summer press release.


Oliver Wyman is performing the study “to evaluate the potential benefits from various harmonisation scenarios and its impacts on the Swedish financial industry”.

“The work will comprise of a series of interviews, followed by two workshops with market participants, and the objective is to chart a path forward which maintains the competitiveness of the Swedish financial industry and at the same time ensures the stability, consistency and functioning of the financial markets. The final report will be published during Q3 2021,” writes Euroclear Sweden.