Eurex, EuroCCP, Euronext Clearing, LCH and SIX … Representatives of all five will be on stage on 10 November, as the PostTrade 360° Amsterdam conference seeks to pinpoint the ever-shifting borders of the European clearing map. A full hour’s discussion will be led by Valentijn Wiegel of ABN AMRO Clearing Bank. Sign up for free to join remotely, or assure yourself a ticket to join at the Beursplein stock-exchange building.

Click here for the agenda.
Click here to sign up – digital is free!

The Euronext group is something of the new kid on the block here, having announced last year that it plans to build a pan-European clearing business starting from its acquisition of Italy’s CC&G. On our Amsterdam panel, Euronext is represented by its Head of Clearing Services, Eric Bey.


The other panelists on board are …
Tim Beckwith, Head of Commercial Services & Business Development, EuroCCP,
Brendon Bambury, Head Sales and Relationship Management UK, Nordics and Benelux, SIX,
Ricky Maloney, Head of Buy Side Fixed Income Sales, Eurex, and
James Stacey, Commercial Services Director, LCH.

Moderator Valentijn Wiegel is Head of Network Management, ABN AMRO Clearing Bank.

This 1-hour clearing panel session begins at 11:00 local time (CET) on 10 November, but don’t lose out on the other interesting sessions through the day, from 8:55 to 16:50.

This year, we have the luxury to meet in the classic Amsterdam Exchange building, at the square named after its 400-year-old business: Beursplein.

The narrow number of tickets for physical attendence are near-exclusively in the hands of our sponsors so why not contact one if you are interested to join on site? Find them listed here on the event info site. Else, to broker a new sponsor contact for a ticket, you can contact Daniele Truini, head of PostTrade 360°, address here – or choose to acquire a paid ticket through our signup form.

This will be the fourth yearly edition of the PostTrade 360° Amsterdam conference (the third held physically).

If you want to join any part of the conference via your web browser, from anywhere in the world, click here to book a ticket on our web conference platform – free of charge!

In the meantime …

• For over 150 session videos from our conferences in five countries, click here.
• News relating to PostTrade 360° Amsterdam across the years, including many full-session videos last year, is gathered here.
• Follow us on LinkedIn, like 2,600 of your industry peers.

If you are a solution provider, you can purchase a vendor ticket or become a sponsor to the event by contacting Kim Ersson, contact details here.

[This article was updated on 26 October, with Eurex’s Ricky Maloney replacing a colleague.]