In yet another shift of weight over to post-trade business, Euronext is spelling out expansion plans including a push in clearing. Italy’s CC&G, recently acquired by Euronext as a part of the Borsa Italiana group, is the stepping stone for what has now been rebranded Euronext Clearing.
This press release lines out details of the Euronext group’s new strategic plan, for its road to 2024. In the settlement space, it plans to “Pan-Europeanise Euronext CSDs through the expansion of services across its four CSDs in Portugal, Norway, Denmark and Italy, the harmonisation of processes and enhancement of the client experience”.
The overall aim is to build the leading market infrastructure in Europe, and one of its priorities to get there is to “leverage Euronext’s integrated value chain, through the European expansion of CC&G clearing activities, the Core Data Centre migration to the European Union, and the international expansion of MTS”.