Yes, Norway’s leading post-trade conference will take place this year too, on 26 August 2020 – and you choose whether to attend at the venue or via the web.

Case studies from influential buy-side operations are part of the impressive program – against the backdrop of covid-19 turbulence, the takeover by Euronext of Oslo Børs VPS and Denmark’s VP Securities, and the buy-in controversy. And how is it going with the disputed plans to overhaul the clearing infrastructure?

VPS head Audun Bø will give an opening keynote – see here the interview we did with him this spring about his CSD’s route forward after the acquisition by Euronext. Since the interview, Euronext has also purchased Denmark’s CSD VP Securities, adding further competitive tension to the Nordic post-trade scene.


Heavyweight operational case studies will be presented by speakers including

• Harald Harlem, head of investment management services of KLP Kapitalforvaltning, who will describe his organisation’s journey towards a consolidated system architecture,

• André Grønlund, head of business solutions and project management of Folketrygdfondet – and others.

Find all information at the conference website here (or skip straight to the sign-up form)

Participation is free of charge for the target audience of investment operations professionals. We reserve the right to cancel free registrations for delegates outside the target audience.

See how the agenda is evolving here

By the way … are we connected on LinkedIn already, among the 1 000 post-trade pros who are? Follow us here.

And here you find our news coverage (including several full-session videos) from the PostTrade 360° Web Summit on 3 June.

(Photo: Christoffer Engström/Unsplash)