“There’s been an explosion in demand,” says Gustav Lantz, displaying numbers that 2019 there was 1 virtual general meeting hosted by Denmark’s CSD VP Securities, while the number in 2021 will definitely end up above 130. On Wednesday he took part in the yearly PostTrade 360° Oslo conference (which itself is online-only for a second year).

“On the other hand it is a less intimate format,” he noted – among several arguments that remain for the in-real-life traditional version.

Gustav Lantz is business analyst with Euronext VP Securities.


A fully virtual meeting will be cheaper than a traditional one, and it also increases the accessibility of the meeting massively. However, if you set up a hybrid physical/digital meeting, you may end up with higher rather than lower costs. That said, he still sees the hybrid as the main up-comer, thinking total cost will come down as solutions mature.

“We definitely believe that virtual is here to stay.”

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