Few subjects have been as in-focus lately as the front-to-back integration trend. PostTrade 360° Helsinki saw its details discussed between representatives of custodian BNY Mellon and system provider SimCorp. 

[This is an update, now with the video, of the original news post from the conference day, 18 November.]

The Wednesday afternoon session started in dialogue between BNY’s Paula Avraamides and Derrick Johns. Paula is managing director of global client management while Derrick is the bank’s head of front-to-back partnerships and integrations in the asset servicing business. They were then joined by Igor Gramatikovski, product manager and director of SimCorp.

Lacking integration between front-, middle- and back-office systems keep causing extensive manual work across investment operations. Cash transactions are a high-volume and high-risk example, where better flows can also bring evident business value. 

A practical demo formed part of the session. 

News around the PostTrade 360° Helsinki conference is gathered here.
Click this link to download the Helsinki event magazine as pdf, or click here for the three agenda pages only.

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