[VIDEO] Multi-million amounts in penalties for settlement fails are now there, every month, and so are financial institutions’ efforts to set up solutions against them. Will a “naughty” list, on top of it all, make things better? A broad panel at PostTrade 360° Amsterdam discussed how settlement rates could best be improved – without regulation that threatens to hamper more than it helps.

The session was sponsored by Deutsche Bank and AccessFintech.

Virginie O’Shea, CEO & Founder of Firebrand Research, moderated the discussion between panelists …
Marc Weijkamp, Domain Expert Securities Operations, ABN AMRO,
Richard Ozinga, Head of Product Management EMEA, Deutsche Bank, and
Pardeep Cassells, Head of Securities and Claims Products, AccessFintech.


The session was titled“ Disciplined enough? How the CSDR settlement regime is turning out in the Netherlands – and developing forward”.

• News around PostTrade 360° Amsterdam 2022, on 10 November, is gathered here.  
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
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