The usual signs of spring – dividends and annual general meetings – are being observed by the CEOs of the CSD operators in the four large Nordic countries. But their get-together in PostTrade 360° Stockholm on Thursday morning also pointed to some of the radical underlying changes going on at the moment.

“Covid-19 is still very much in focus,” said Euroclear Finland’s Hanna Vainio.

Two of four panelists were new since the corresponding panel last year: Roger Storm of Euroclear Sweden, and Niels Hjort Rotendahl, interim CEO of Denmark’s Euronext VP Securities. The fourth panelist was Audun Bø of Norway’s Euronext VPS.

SIX-PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024

This is the first season under the new Shareholder Rights Directive, and the tough settlement discipline measures under CSDR are under implementation.

Digitalisation of many processes has been pushed forward by the pandemic in the last year, bringing both challenges and progress. Cybersecurity is getting increasingly in focus, raising discussions about need for cross-border industry coordination on the topic.

PostTrade 360° Stockholm 2021 took place on 25–26 March. News around the event is gathered here
• Find the 44-page event magazine here.
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