Evli Fund Management puts its mutual funds onboard the Vestima platform, after it opens to Finnish-domiciled funds.

Routing, settlement and custody for the Finnish fund management firm’s funds can now take place on the new platform, according to Global Custodian. Meanwhile, international investors can access Finland-domiciled funds directly from their existing setup, it adds.

“Our reach expands”

“Evli has distributed selected Ucits funds to Central European investors for some years already, but with the eligibility on Vestima our reach expands into new spheres for Finland domiciled funds, says Kim Pessala, managing director of Evli Fund Management, according to the article.

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“International investors will not only gain access to Evli’s mutual funds, but they will also benefit from the Nordic investment knowledge of the entire Finnish fund industry.”

International demand

According to Clearstream, one of the drivers behind the geographic expansion was international customer demand to cover the Nordic investment funds market, which had 110 billion euro in assets under management at new year.