17–18 October will be your days to book for PostTrade 360° Helsinki 2021 if you want to meet up with your colleagues at Pörssitalo. Yet, if you connect from your desk, you can spend as much or little time as you prefer. In any case, there is no lack of top-notch content. Check the agenda and get your ticket.
Click here to go to the event site with the agenda and the sign-up. (Or go straight to the sign up for the digital conference platform here.) If you join us on site, note that we will be at Pörssitalo, Fabianinkatu 14, as different from a venue that was stated in earlier communication.
Euroclear Finland’s implementation of “Infinity” to replace its legacy platform, and the rapid consolidation in the country’s asset management industry … These are just two of the trends which will heavily impact the operations of Finnish market participants in 2022. We obviously have them covered – like so many other topics presented by our 20+ speakers.
Sounds promising? How about issues like these, too?
– The Post Trade Juke Box Jury … where you are the judge
– Successfully monitoring and governing a strategic partnership
– Setting up a hackathon
– Integrating the broker-to-custody workflow
– Getting ESG right
– New paths to the international bond investors
– The potential of artificial intelligence and how to unleash it
– Plugging in Google to predict and cut settlement fails
– Moving to T+1
– Advancing on digital assets
– A Finnish post trade market-developments overview
– A Finnish innovator takes on digital assets operations
• Sign-up and event info for PostTrade 360° Helsinki is here.
• News around the event, across the years, is gathered here.
• By the way … are we connected on LinkedIn already, among the 1,900 post-trade pros who are? Follow us here.