VIDEO | The sell-side view on intraday liquidity management formed the topic for a Thursday session at Copenhagen Airport on Thursday. Increasingly, the capital tied up with non-optimal intraday management, under lacking real-time overview, is coming into focus at sell-side institutions in the securities market. On stage were Finteum’s Brian Nolan, and RTGS Global’s Paulo Da Costa, with session moderator Olaf Ransome.

As a poll question to the audience proved, the knowledge among post-trade pros about their organisations liquidity status is often less than perfect, and RTGS’s Paulo Da Costa could confirm that this is the normal situation. Other functions in the organisations may well have a clearer picture. Yet, the potential for freeing up capital could be huge.

Paulo Da Costa, Head of Business Development, RTGS Global, and
Brian Nolan, Co-founder and CEO, Finteum.
Moderator: Olaf Ransome, Founder, 3C Advisory LLC


This session formed the first part of a double. Part 2, on the “buy-side” view (of investment managers, corporates etc) is here.

Watch the session video here!

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