Look at a (relatively) highly automated post-trade process and you’ll be surprised at how many manual touchpoints you’ll count to. Matt Johnson’s DTCC has counted. On Wednesday, he was one of the panellists to discuss the potential for tech-driven progress in raising settlement quality despite the pressures of shortening cycle times.

Moderator Emma Johnson, Executive Director, Global Custody Industry Development, EMEA, J.P. Morgan, led the panel consisting of … 
Daniel Carpenter, CEO, Meritsoft a Cognizant company,
Gary O’Brien, Head of Bank and Broker Segment Strategy, BNP Paribas,
Karan Kapoor, Global Head of Regulatory and Risk Consulting, Delta Capita, and
Matt Johnson, Director, ITP Product Management and Industry Relations, DTCC.

According to Matt Johnson, firms that embraced automation saw great progress in their performance in the months around the American T+1 launch.


Karan Kapoor’s advice was straightforward: “Just get on with it … There is so much to just get on with.”

An audience poll on what are the biggest challenges to achieving a T+1 move in Europe put the regions complexity clearly top:
• EU fragmentation and complexity, 64%
• Improving standards and market practice, 21%
• Technology, 11%
• Regulation, 5%

The yearly Optic conference, in London on 2–3 October 2024, is hosted by the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME). Optic stands for the “Operations, post trade, technology and innovation conference”. PostTrade 360° is there, with our coverage collected here.