VIDEO | “Current data-enabled capabilities in investment operations” was the title of this Thursday morning panel session of PostTrade 360° Oslo. It saw Snowflake’s Karl Malmström in discussion with BNY Mellon’s Paula Avraamides and Duncan Cooper.

The session was sponsored by BNY Mellon.

Back-office teams who successfully help their organization master data transformation can materially differentiate their firms and create a competitive advantage by better enabling – and even unifying – teams across the enterprise, inclusive of those in the front office. This was one of the starting assumption for the panelists, as they explored the dos and don’ts of tech progress in financial operations.


Paula Avraamides is Client Executive, Nordics, and Duncan Cooper Head of OMNI Digital Services, EMEA and APAC, both with BNY Mellon. Karl Malmström is Financial Services Lead, Nordics, Snowflake.

• News around PostTrade 360° Oslo 2022, on 5 May, is gathered here
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
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