VIDEO INTERVIEWS | Meet Sergey Nazarov from Chainlink and Neil Chopra from Fireblocks in these chats from the Sibos exhibition floor in Toronto in September. 

So far, they are on the fringe, literally speaking, in relation to the dominant players in the securities operations world. Located at the very corner of the giant main hall of the 9,000-delegate event – by the coffee bar at the “Innotribe” stage that focuses on the upcomer topics – we meet representatives of two firms who seek to bring their contributions to a tokenised and radically more flexible future for issuance and movements. 

In contrast to the physical fringe location, their firms have a central place in the buzz about the securities industry’s operational transformation – which some believe could turn out overwhelming with time. Chainlink has a main role in Swift’s ongoing trials around cross-blockchain interoperability, and Fireblocks, too, has established many connections with traditional securities firms among the world’s top ones. 

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We asked Sergey and Neil to explain what contribution they seek to add, and just how. Enjoy!

Sibos 2023 played out in Toronto from 18 to 21 September, with about 9,000 registered delegates. We were there, producing mainly video interviews, but also some text pieces. Overview our coverage here.