VIDEO | Bringing the settlement process and securities inventory into the real-time eye-sight of trading firms is an objective that has been high on the operational agenda through the last years. At PostTrade 360° Stockholm recently, J.P. Morgan data strategist Naveen TV shared the stage (yes, via link) with SimCorp’s Jochen Müller. Watch their session.

This session was sponsored by J.P. Morgan.

The “front-to-back” insight requires integration not least between custodians and system providers along the trade lifecycle. The session looks at the example of J.P. Morgan’s Securities Services, whose collaboration with SimCorp serves to enable trade enrichment and workflow integration for mutual clients – which in turn should improve their settlement while reducing risks and costs.

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Naveen TV is Managing Director, Global head of Data Strategy and Extended Enterprise, Securities Services, J.P. Morgan.
Jochen Müller is Executive Vice President, Managing Director Operations and Accounting Services, SimCorp.

The basic idea is that with a higher degree of cross-platform connectivity at the core of the trade life-cycle “ecosystem”, there would be less need for individual asset managers and asset owners to build customised connections to, for example, custodians or providers of outsourced middle office operations. These customised connections are not only costly and complex – they also make the business setup difficult to change or to develop with more asset classes. A tight collaboration between J.P Morgan and system provider SimCorp aims to solve for this, for their clients.

“What has happened in industry in the last few years, the asset classes our clients trade have definitely evolved and expanded. It’s no longer just equities and fixed income. You see loans, you see derivatives, you see FX, you see forwards, you see futures …,” says Naveen TV.

“Every time you add a new asset class, it becomes a much more heavy lift to be able to make sure what your fund administrator or outsourced middle office agent needs. What attributes do they need and how do they supply that? That is where we have taken the heavy burden off of our clients. So we work with SimCorp directly and figure out, by asset class, what types of data we need, and how much data do we need, and make sure we get that in real time as soon as the trade is done.”

• PostTrade 360° Stockholm 2022 took place on 29–30 March. News around the event is gathered here
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
Sign up here for our next conference, in Oslo on 5 May.
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