The financial industry is rapidly adapting to the recent shift in North America to a T+1 settlement cycle, which has been implemented with minimal disruption. As Europe deliberates on when to follow suit, the focus is shifting to the Nordic region. What are the prospects here? What challenges might arise, and what developments should we strive for?

The upcoming session “T+1 and the Nordics” at PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024 will dive deep into these questions. Our expert panellists will explore the feasibility of adopting a T+1 settlement cycle in the Nordics, discussing potential hurdles and the actions market participants should take to prepare.

This session is a must-attend for anyone looking to stay ahead in the evolving post-trade landscape. Secure your spot at PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024 and be part of the conversation shaping the future of the industry.


Danny Green, Head of International Post Trade, Broadridge
Kamal Kannan, Director, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Mikkel Mördrup, SVP, Northern Trust
Barnaby Nelson, CEO, The ValueExchange
Michele Pitts, Managing Director and Global Head, Citi

Judging by how many delegates have pre-selected this session into their personal schedules, chairs for this one will be in high demand. 

Note that adding a session to your personal schedule does not commit you to attend (except for the dinner or exclusive sessions where very clearly communicated). Conversely, it does not guarantee your seat, so come in good time where you suspect a full room.

• The consolidated PostTrade 360° Nordic conference, in Stockholm on 4–5 September 2024, came to host 1,200+ delegates and featured 70 sessions.
• Our coverage relating to the event is indexed here.
• By the way … are we connected on LinkedIn already? Follow us here.