New clearing cycles, speeded-up cash sourcing, heavy impact on securities lending, bilateral repo … The momentum for a shortening of the share-trade settlement cycle has been building up fast this year – and the list of functions that will be strongly effected is long. Vinod Jain shared his view in the PostTrade 360° Amsterdam conference.

“The first step is to have a complete map of the end to end trade processing and its touch point in the firms ecosystem,” says Vinod Jain, who is Senior Analyst, Capital Markets, Aite-Novarica Group.

Due to technical issues at the beginning, this video starts two minutes into Vinod’s presentation. It should still be able to clarify many interesting aspects.


Distributed ledger technology (DLT), with the new operating models that it enables, is one driver in the quest for new efficiencies. Vinod Jain maps up a matrix of applications, determined both by the form of the securitised asset and the form of the cash that should pay it. And setting up operations around it, one should acknowledge that assets may need to be able to move across different operating models.

• News around the PostTrade 360° Amsterdam event is gathered here
• The 22-page pdf magazine, which includes the agenda, can be downloaded by clicking here.
• For a 3-page breakout of the agenda section, click here.
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