Sernova Financial, a provider of outsourced post-trade clearing processes, has joined FIA Tech’s Databank Network, integrating key reference data into its services.

The company becomes the first outsourcing provider to participate in the Databank Network, which serves as a global platform for streamlining reference data, analytics, and software solutions. FIA Tech explains in a press release that its network consolidates data from over 80 exchanges and clearinghouses, along with leading index providers and data vendors.


By joining the network, Sernova Financial gains access to exchange fees, cross-reference symbology, and contract specifications, including position limits. This data integration supports Sernova’s growing presence in the exchange-traded derivatives market, providing its buy-side and sell-side clients with critical information for trading strategies.


Richard Thompson, COO of Sernova Financial, highlights the importance of this partnership, noting that access to robust data metrics is essential for their expansion in the exchange-traded space. Andrew Castello, vice president and head of client operations at FIA Tech, emphasises that the Databank Network is a key part of FIA Tech’s strategy to deliver value to clients by ensuring seamless access to essential trading data.