VIDEO | At the PostTrade 360° Oslo conference on 31 May, Oslo Børs’ Eirik Høiby Ausland and Euronext Securities Copenhagen’s Kristoffer Kjelsø Sønderlev presented the latest development in their company’s ambition to support the primary and secondary markets.

The new capacity serves to let issuers capitalise on vibrant and international investment opportunities.

Eirik Høiby Ausland is Head of Listing Nordics, Oslo Børs.
Kristoffer Kjelsø Sønderlev is Head of Custody & Settlement Products, Euronext Securities Copenhagen.

Posttrade360 event 2025

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• News around PostTrade 360° Oslo 2023, on 31 May, is gathered here.
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
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