UK-based advisory Bourse Consult, together with colleague Civitta, has been tasked by the European Commission to present a study later this year “to identify barriers and potential options for the further consolidation and reduced fragmentation of trading and post-trading infrastructure in the EU so as to create deeper pools of liquidity, produce synergies and related cost efficiencies, and to help lower the cost of financing”.

Details of the scope are developed in the European Commission’s tender document from the sourcing process. The project is filed as “Lot 2” in parallel with another study, “on the scaling up of funds investing in innovative and growth firms”. Bourse Consult acknowledged its mission in this celebratory LinkedIn post.

PostTrade 360° follows the FMI market structure discussion both in text and on stage, recently with this session of the PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024 conference last September.
