Nasdaq CSD has selected Clearstream as its gateway to the TARGET2-Securities (T2S) system, aiming to enhance its access to European securities markets.

Through this partnership, Nasdaq CSD will access T2S markets via Clearstream’s German central securities depository (CSD). The move is expected to improve harmonisation of asset servicing across T2S CSDs and support better liquidity management, according to a Nasdaq press release.

According to both companies, the collaboration seeks to eliminate post-trade barriers in Europe and create cross-border efficiencies, potentially lowering costs for both corporations and investors.



Clearstream’s CEO, Samuel Riley, highlights the importance of the partnership, noting that it allows Nasdaq CSD to offer its participants access to a network that complies with the regulatory requirements of the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) while providing a flexible platform.

Indars AšCuks, CEO of Nasdaq CSD, says the collaboration will benefit Baltic investors and Nasdaq CSD participants, and marks a step towards more integrated European financial markets.