Written coverage of the PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024 conference from 4 to 5 September will trickle out. Until then, get the feeling of being on-site through these images by our photographer Suvad Mrkonjic.

C2: Health check on the PAYMENT leg: Ready to carry or still aching?”

Phil Mochan, Founder, CEO, Nomos Digital
Guillaume Chatain, Head of Sales, Societe Generale – Forge
Elise Soucie, Executive Director, Global Digital Finance
Olaf Ransome, Director, 3C Advisory
Rhomaios Ram, CEO, Fnality International


Sahil Bhandari

Room C1: “Apples with pears. The challenge and promise of consolidating public and private market data in one operating model”

Paula Avraamides, Client Executive and Country Manager, BNY
Sahil Bhandari, Managing Director, Growth Ventures

Hosted by BNY

Room C4: “Clearing 15 years on from Pittsburgh: Where next?”

María José Gómez Yubero, Head of Resolution, Benchmarks and Financial Stability Issues, National Securities Market Commission of Spain
Perrine Herrenschmidt, Head of Brussels Office, ISDA
Gilles Hervé, Senior Policy Officer, European Commission
David Murphy, Visiting Professor in Practice, LSE
Rafael Plata, Secretary General, EACH

Johnson and Zeeb on stage for their session titled “Securities services risks (with ISSA)”

Room C3: “Securities services risks (with ISSA)”

Emma Johnson, Executive Director, JP Morgan
Karen Zeeb, COO and Company Secretary, ISSA

Hosted by ISSA