Written coverage of the PostTrade 360° Nordic 2024 conference from 4 to 5 September will trickle out. Until then, get the feeling of being on-site through these images by our photographer Suvad Mrkonjic.

Room C4: “All-in-one or pick-and-mix? Nailing the future-proof IT architecture at the asset manager”
Arne Martin Moen, Chief Operating Officer, Storebrand Asset Management
Ulrik Modigh, Chief Operating Officer, (former) Nordea Asset Management
Bastiaan Aalders, Director, EU Operations Practice, AlphaFMC

Room C1: “Our industry’s state of new-technology implementations, as 2025 approaches”
Roger Burkhardt, CTO Capital Markets, Broadridge Financial Solutions
Francisco Ceballos, Head of Product, Data and AI, BNY
Duncan Cooper, Chief Data Officer, Northern Trust Asset Servicing
Mack Gill, Head of Securities Processing, FIS
Virginie O’Shea, Founder and CEO, Firebrand Research

Room C2: “Suitability: From regulatory challenges to the latest trends”
Kathelijne Marritt-Alers, Senior Product Manager, Financial Information, SIX Financial Information
Hosted by SIX.

Room C3: “The prospects of T+1 for the UK and EU”
Haroun Boucheta, Head of Public Affairs and Chief of Staff, Securities Services, BNP Paribas
Sachin Mohindra, Executive Director, Goldman Sachs
Chiara Rossetti, Senior Manager Regulatory and Government Affairs, Euronext Securities
Max Chan, Risk Policy Adviser, European Association of CCP Clearing Houses (EACH)