With lead times for buying a laptop computer at about two months, letting the post-trade operations staff in India just work from home was not quite feasible. Arne Martin Moen of Storebrand was one of the three senior COOs in Wednesday morning’s operational panel. 

Wouter Peters, chief operating officer of Aegon Asset Management, described how very much has already gone back to normal in his operations. 

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“Now you see who is a good manager,” added Matthias Liermann, chief operating officer for the EMEA region at asset manager DWS. 


“We have 20–30 percent who desperately want to come back to the office, and many others who desperately want to stay home.”

Mental health challenges are among those that have needed to be taken on by organizations, although generally the sickness numbers seem to have gone down rather than up. And Arne Martin Moen noted that several aspects of worker satisfaction and participation had in fact improved rather than deteriorated – leading moderator Bastiaan Aalders to reflect on the paradox that working remotely may bring people closer. 

Our coverage of the PostTrade 360° Web Summit is gathered here.

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