As sustainability requirements are climbing on priority lists of regulators and investors, the need for good and orderly ESG data is becoming urgent. In PostTrade 360° Stockholm, expert Janine Hofer-Wittwer of SIX mapped out details of the regulatory processes affecting various market participants right now.

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Just one of many examples … As recently as last month, 2 February, regulatory technical standards defined 64 data attributes (14 of which are mandatory) that will need to be sourced from “investee companies” and manufacturers of financial products, and disclosed to investors under SFDR – the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

Complex requirements coming in through the new taxonomy under SFDR could be challenging to many players. A lot of relevant data that is needed is simply still not available.


PostTrade 360° Stockholm 2021 took place on 25–26 March. News around the event is gathered here
• Find the 44-page event magazine here.
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