AI analytics company big xyt has partnered with Trackinsight, a data provider for exchange traded funds (ETFs), to strengthen the data available on global ETF trading and investment. The collaboration combines big xyt’s expertise in secondary market analytics and Trackinsight’s coverage of ETF reference data, primary market flows, and portfolio data to provide an integrated dataset that enables better decision making.
Clients will benefit from “a comprehensive overview of liquidity across the ETF landscape” that integrates primary and secondary market insights. The enhanced clarity on liquidity and product quality is expected to improve trading efficiency and reduce costs. Both pre-trade and post-trade analytics will be available.
In a press release announcing the collaboration, big xyt claims that “the collaboration will pave the way for additional services, such as liquidity analysis across global markets, and peer group analysis to help issuers benchmark their ETFs against competitors to make informed decisions on product development and market positioning”.