ESMA gives a green light for four existing trade repositories to also keep track of securities financing transactions (SFT) under SFTR – in addition to their existing permissions to hold data on derivatives contracts under EMIR. 

To be able to overview risks in the market, the EU has created the role for trade repositories to centrally collect data on each trade from market participants. The role is fulfilled by commercial firms, who register with supervisor ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority, to be eligible for the duty. 

The four such trade repositories which are now having their registrations extended to include securities financing transactions under SFTR are, according to ESMA’s press release:
• DTCC Derivatives Repository plc,
• Unavista Tradecho B.V. (an affiliate of the London Stock Exchange Group),
• Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych SA (Poland’s CSD) and
• Regis-TR S.A. (a joint venture between Deutsche Börse’s Clearstream and Spain’s CSD Iberclear).


“All four TRs have been registered for all types of SFTs, i.e. repurchase transactions, securities or commodities lending and securities or commodities borrowing transactions, buy-sell back or sell-buy back transactions and margin lending transactions,” ESMA writes. 

(Photo: Eugenio Mazzone / Unsplash)