On stage at PostTrade 360° Amsterdam, NN Investment Partners’ Guido Veul shared details of his group’s ESG assessment process. While input from ESG data is considered useful, the low correlation between scores from different providers indicates that there is more to learn.

Guido Veul is NN Investment Partners’ client portfolio manager for sustainable equities. On Wednesday, 13 October, he spoke on the topic “Now, investors say ’show us the impact’”.

Penalty points for observed controversies is one of the ways to bring down certain companies that present themselves nicely in their reporting but could be suspected of glossing. Volkswagen was mentioned.

Posttrade360 event 2025

• News around the PostTrade 360° Amsterdam event is gathered here
• The 22-page pdf magazine, which includes the agenda, can be downloaded by clicking here.
• For a 3-page breakout of the agenda section, click here.
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