The final adoption phases of uncleared margin rules (UMR) form part of the backdrop to Global Investor Group’s latest edition of its yearly special report on collateral.

The buy-side is engaging more than ever before with the management and optimisation of collateral, claims the report Collateral in 2020 – produced by Global Investor Group, sporting JP Morgan as main sponsor.

The 19-page report can be downloaded here, and a summarizing article by Global Investor Group found here.

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Several drivers

“There are many drivers but the real game-changer is regulation, in particular the move to mandatory and standardised rules around variation margin and initial margin for uncleared derivatives,” says Nicholas Newport, managing director of consultancy InteDelta, in an introductory article focused on buy-side optimisation.

“Nor is this just in the traditional markets, we see significant interest in collateral management across Asian markets as well as Europe and America. Global regulatory standardisation has created a common conversation across most jurisdictions which have any meaningful derivatives market,” he continues.

Besides buy-side optimisation, the report also looks at the aspects of mobilisation, standardisation/harmonisation and technology.