VIDEO | The emerging strength and assertiveness of China on the global geopolitical scene was in focus for Norwegian international policy senior Janne Haaland Matlary, as she painted the broadest context at Wednesday’s PostTrade 360° Oslo conference. 

The West will not accept that Ukraine loses the war against Russia. The trouble is, China will not accept that Russia does.

Problematic deadlocks of various sorts are currently forming a risky environment for the world’s economy, where China has longed played the role of manufacturer and promising investment target for capital. However, China being the joker card also reflects that it may choose to play a positive role, as it seeks and benefits from foreign investment.


“This is much more complex than earlier,” said Janne Haaland Matlary. She pointed out how Europe (not least through French president Emmanuel Macron) has signalled that it will seek to take a China position separate from that of the US. 

Norway gets more exposed

Now providing 40 percent of the gas to Europe, Norway has made itself an increasingly attractive target for potential sabotage. Its increasingly central role in the Nato landscape doesn’t ease that trend. 

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In the PostTrade 360° Oslo agenda, the session was labelled “The current geopolitical context – and Norway’s place in it”.

Even a quick glance at Janne Haaland Matlary’s long bibliography will reveal her tendency to select the most complex of subjects for her examination: military power, democracy, nationalism, religion and ethics …. Her take on academia and practice has been seemless; a professor at the University of Oslo as well as the Command and Staff College of the armed forces, her background includes a position as state secretary of Norway’s foreign office 1997–2000.

• News around PostTrade 360° Oslo 2023, on 31 May, is gathered here.
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
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