VIDEO INTERVIEW | It may be the US that’s well on the way to T+1, but Europe would be expected to follow suit sooner or later. In this 7-minute interview, meet Emma Johnson, executive director, global custody industry and regulatory developments at JP Morgan’s Securities Services, for reflections on how the shorter US settlement cycle could impact players who face the additional obstacle of time zone differences.

Asked about special observations at this year’s edition of the ongoing Sibos conference in Toronto, Emma Johnson highlights how securities operations is taking an increasingly central place, beside payments which traditionally have dominated.

On the second conference day, Tuesday 19 September, Emma joins a BNP Paribas’ “Meet the experts” session titled “All for T+1, and T+1 for all?” with:
Camille Papillard, head of Financial intermediaries & Corporates Client Line, EMEA, Securities Services, BNP Paribas, and
Sonia Paston-Bedingfeld, managing director, Group Post Trade & Custody Product, UBS AG London Branch, under moderation by
Alan Cameron, head of Advisory, BNP Paribas

Eurex-PostTrade360 Nordic 2024

Sibos 2023 played out in Toronto from 18 to 21 September, with about 9,000 registered delegates. We were there, producing mainly video interviews, but also some text pieces. Overview our coverage here.