Enterprise DLT and services firm R3 recently announced the next generation of Corda, its flagship platform. It has been released as public beta as the firm seeks feedback from new and existing users to help it enhance the product. In a press release, R3 states its expectation that the updated version will bring the industry “one step closer to safe and secure enterprise DLT interoperability“.

Described by R3 as “the world’s first native private, permissioned DLT platform” that is “secure and regulatory-compliant by design”, Corda is currently used by institutions such as the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), Euroclear, and the Central Bank of UAE. The firm claims that its latest version has been designed with high availability and scalability in mind. According to R3’s chief technology officer Richard Brown, innovations such as Corda can help diverse ecosystems connect, avoid vendor lock-ins, and help markets overcome the siloed infrastructures that dominate today.

In conjunction with Corda’s new launch, R3 has also developed Harmonia. Created in collaboration with intraday liquidity and payments solutions provider Adhara, the venture is a Hyperledger Lab – the name given to early-stage projects developed on open source blockchain platform Hyperledger Foundation. R3 says that Harmonia will “accelerate the development of interoperability protocols for regulated financial institutions”, helping them “achieve true atomic settlement across blockchain networks”.

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Try out the new generation of Corda here. Read the press release for its launch here.